Good Governance is a Choice (Randy Quinn and Linda Dawson), Rowman & Littlefield, 2011) This is a detailed presentation of The Aspen Group’s own Coherent Governance® model, and is both an introduction to the model for boards interested in exploring Coherent Governance principles and a continuing reference guide for boards using the model.
Implementation of the Coherent Governance Model
Boards That Matter Linda Dawson and Randy Quinn. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2011) This is a step-by-step guide for implementing both Coherent Governance® and Policy Governance®. For boards that have adopted either model, it is a no-nonsense recipe for translating theory into practice.
School Governance:
A Framework for School Governance [Rick Maloney, 2017] in Paperback or Kindle Edition Rick Maloney, partner, & partner, Policy Governance Associates, offers a framework of effective board governance along a continuum of research-supported attributes (beliefs, knowledge, skills and practices) that facilitate board assessment of current practice and points the way to professional growth.
Putting Policy Governance to Work [Rick Maloney, 2018] in Paperback or Kindle Edition Rick Maloney, partner, & partner, Policy Governance Associates, offers a user’s guide for boards that have decided to adopt the Policy Governance model.
Example Policy Set, Policy Governance policies. – Full Set PDF file (460k)
School Board Leadership 2000: The Things Staff Didn’t Tell You At Orientation [Gene Royer, 1996) Gene Royer, graduate of the Policy Governance Academy, melds his knowledge of Policy Governance with his own fertile sense of humor into an entertaining and model-consistent treatise on school governance. Foreword by John Carver.